Let’s get organizing

Organizing for some can seem overwhelming. Other people love to organize and feed into their OCD. Yes, this is me. Over the years, I’ve found organizing can be a great tool. There is so much out there. Hence the need for a site where we can collaborate on ideas, share tips and tricks and learn together. And ultimately, share them with others.

There are so many areas that we can organize. Over the course of time, this blog will serve a purpose of sharing organizing tips. What are some areas that need organizing in your life? Think about it. Now, take a deep breath in. We can do this.

Have you ever heard the phrase “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” This is a funny saying however, it gives a great visual. You can’t just take on the whole thing at once. Organizing requires steps.

I remember my youngest daughter having a meltdown when I asked her to clean her room. Her older sister had her room done and was off playing with Legos. The youngest wanted to be done. But she never started. Her room looked like a tornado came through. She had no idea how to tackle the mess.

This life lesson with my daughter was a perfect example of a space that needs organizing. When we look at the whole room, it was a disaster. But when we took it section by section, it was manageable.

Organizing will be the same way. Section by section. This way we won’t feel overwhelmed.

Join me as we go through areas of our lives, our homes, our work and our relationships to build great strategies for living well. I truly believe having some type of order to the chaos will give us a peace of mind so we can focus on what truly matters.

We would love to hear from you as we build this site with you in mind. Please share some comments on areas of your life you would like to see get organization. It may be a linen closet, a pantry room, your finances, your time, your garage, your home office, or what ever you want us to blog about.

Here’s to you!!
