
Julie, AKA “organizemama”

Welcome to my world. Some people love organizing. Some hate it. I see opportunities all around me. No, I do not have OCD. What I do have is a knack for things to go in their place. This habit is driven from years of distractions.

I’m not formally diagnosed with ADHD or Dyslexia or the like, but what I do know after helping my daughter who has ‘stealth’ dyslexia, the organization has a HUGE role in how we get things done in life.

It is a great tool to help us manage stress, manage our day to day tasks, and for some of us, it gives us a sense of accomplishment.

My personal background started years ago in college when I outlined a paper. The outline was 40 pages and the paper was nearly the same. What it meant is I captured what I needed in a sequential order to keep my thoughts on point. Years later after I broke my jaw and was board out of my mind, I took computer classes to learn databases. Again, I saw a repeating pattern in the organization of data. There was the main form, with subforms and child forms, etc. Each linked together in some orderly fashion. I was hooked. This lead to later jobs working as a project manager, healthcare companies, churches, and even startups. My role in each job was to put some type of project management around a process. And for processes that were already in place, I found better ways to do things.

For years I’ve used my Master’s degree in Organizational Management, and my Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement certifications to help companies succeed. In my personal space, I found myself conflicted for time to keep my home well kept. As they say, ‘the best barbers have the worst haircuts.’ My home needed organizing as well.

Over time I have developed quasi-lean concepts in my home as a way to keep the place decent in case anyone visits. When Gmail came out, I created an account with ‘organizemama’ in it. People would ask me how to spell it and I would remind them it is in the current tense, not past. I have not “organized” you or am not “organizing” you. I am simply “organizemama.”

The purpose of this blog site is to support you, the reader with tips and tricks with organizing. This site will cover organizational topics on an array of things such as your time, your personal spaces, your home, your finances, your work, and even your family. There is a ton of info out there. Hence the blog. Organizing tips, tricks and snippets for you in one place. I hope you find the information helpful as I build it over time.

Here’s to you!

Julie B